Monday, June 20, 2011

Paisley is here!!

Our sweet baby girl Paisley Love made her debut on June 20,2011.

Paisley Love
June 20,2011
7lbs 13.5oz  20" Long

I will spare you all of the details of her birth but let me just say it was a much better experience than with Peyton.  Now don't get me wrong I had what people would call an "easy" labor with him but this was 10x easier!! I was in labor for 12 1/2 hours with Peyton...with no epidural!!  With Paisley it was only 6 hours and I had an epidural and some feel good medicine!! 

Below are some pictures from the day she was born!!

First time peyton saw his little sister....not the greatest picture of me but that is pure raw emotion!!

Everyone meeting Paisley for the 1st time!

Peyton's first time to hold his sister!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

22 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: 11 inches and almost 1 pound.  The size of a spaghetti Squash.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 9lbs

Maternity Clothes: Mostly everything I wear now is maternity except a few tops that I still wear!

Gender: It's a girl!!

Movement: She is active but only at night and when our dog Bandit sits in my lap!!

Sleep: Well she has decided that she likes to play during this time now so I have not been sleeping real well lately!!

What I miss: Nothing yet...

Cravings: Nothing sounds good

Symptoms: I actually feel great right now except when she decides to lay on my bladder!!

Best Moment this week: Feeling her kick!

I will try and upload a picture of me this week, no guarantee though!! Now, off to soccer practice we go!! Have a great night!!

Hello AGAIN!!

Well, I have been a slacker since I last posted!!  So many great things have happen since my last posting so I guess I should feel you in!! 

The most exciting thing is that We are having a BABY!!! :)  Currently I am 22 weeks along with a sweet baby GIRL!! We couldn't be any happier!  We are truly blessed and thank the Lord for her everyday!!

Peyton is now in 3rd grade and doing wonderful.  He has played football, soccer, and Tae-kwon-Do in the past 6 months so that has kept us very busy!!  We have something going on almost every night of the week.

Josh and I are currently remodeling our home, which seems like we have been doing forever!! We HOPE to have everything completed by June before Baby Parker comes!! We will see... It seems like everytime we take a step forward we take 2 steps back in whatever we are doing!!  Hopefully I can download the pictures of the progress we have made so far! We have totally gutted and redone our whole master bathroom which I think is pretty amazing now!! I hope to be laying the hardwood floors in the playroom this weekend (fingers crossed) and painting!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iTune's Gift Card Giveaway

Want a chance to win a iTune's Gift Card?
Katie over at Goode Time Girls is giving one away for the month of June....
She has a wonderful blog about fashion, food, and her cute little ones!!
Make sure you follow her...if she gets to 150 follower's she will be giving away a $50 Gift Card instead of $25.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Re-Cap

Our weekend consisted of getting ready for our upcoming garage sell. My mom came down for the weekend to help me sort and price our things. Since we moved into our new house in September I have just pushed things that we didn't want anymore into the garage...It was a task to sort through and price but we did it fairly quickly.. 8 hours to be exact!! Not too bad!! Some of the things that I have kept over the years amaze me!! I mean I had BOXES of high school stuff... like notes from my 9th-12th grade years, cheerleader uniforms, newspaper clippings, Prom flowers, pictures...the list goes on and on... I kept only 1 box of things that meant the most to me and the rest...well they are in the TRASH!!! I had to go through all of Peyton's baby things and our wedding things... It's amazing what all you find after years!! I am happy to say that we are ready for our garage sell now....Well except that I am still going through my house room by room this week!! Hopefully I will be done by March 6!!!

On to other news..Peyton had his first Boy Scouts Pine Car Derby Race on Sunday. He has been excited about this for a month but I think the person that has been the most excited is Josh. He hand chiseled Peyton's car from a block of wood and I think he is more proud of it than Peyton. Well Peyton came in 1st place in his division. Then placed 3rd overall. I am so proud of Josh and him. They had so much fun building, Painting and designing the car.

I will upload pictures when I get them from my mom.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Teenage Pregnancy......

Show us your Life: Show us your Ministries

I have been following Kelly's Korner Blog for about 6 months now. I have wanted to participate in her Show us your life blogs for a while but never felt like I had much to talk about. Well, this week I felt the same way.. What could I possibly talk about with Ministries? I don't have any!! Boy was I wrong!! I started reading others and decided I do have my OWN story!! My teenage pregnancy! It hasn't always been glamorous or easy but it is part of me and my story!! ( This will prob be a long post)

It all started in June 2000 when I met Josh. I can honestly say I was head over heels when I met him the summer after 10Th grade. We spent everyday together that summer...We didn't go very many days without seeing each other even when school started back in the fall. Josh had started Junior college and I was starting my Junior year of high school. We did normal things that teenagers do when they are dating...we went out to eat, spent time with friends, and spent time at each others house. By September of 2000 I knew I was in love with this boy... CRAZY in LOVE!!! Yeah I was only 16 but I truly knew I loved him and wanted to marry him! We had a plan...I would graduate in 2002, and transfer with him to USM. He would graduate in 2004 and we would get married in June...4 years after we met. But God had other plans.

Fast forward to September 6, 2001, the beginning of my Senior year of High School, I find out I am pregnant along with my mom and Josh by my side...By this time I am 35 weeks pregnant... Crazy I know, in my heart I had known since March but in my head I was in denial... SHOCK was one emotion I can think I felt at that time...all of it is such a blur from Jan 2001 till after I had Peyton. I really don't remember all that went on after I found out I was pregnant...It felt like such a world wind....

Anyways, after I found out it was on to telling Josh's parents and sister. Then to telling my Dad and grandparents. This was prob the hardest thing I had ever had to do...I couldn't tell my dad. If you know me you know that I am the biggest daddy's disappoint my dad breaks me to pieces. Still to this day. So I told my mom to tell him, I didn't go home after my doctors appointment.. Josh and I went and told his sister and parents. They took it better than I had expected and were really supportive. I then got a call from my dad saying to come home NOW!! haha I look back now and still remember how scared I was!! When we got to my parents house Josh and I talked with my parents...Yes, my dad was very upset but after a while I think he calmed down. Like I said before I really do not remember what all was said but it was all such a blur....

After telling everyone we decided that we would get married...not because of what people thought was the right thing to do. It was because we knew before hand that we wanted to get married anyway so why not now? Josh proposed...I said yes of course...and then we where planning our wedding...We got married September 28,2001. Peyton arrived 3 1/2 weeks later on October 16. We decided early on that Josh would finish College at the Junior college and I would finish High School. I didn't want to be another statistic of teenage pregnancy drop out!

In July 2002 after I graduated we moved to Hattiesburg for Josh to attend USM. I enrolled in the local junior college in Ellisville. We bought a house in Hattiesburg. Josh and I both went to school, Josh worked and I stayed home with Peyton when I wasn't in school!! To say that we did all of this on our own would be a lie...We had tons of help from both of our families. Josh worked his butt off to provide for Peyton and I during those 2 years he finished school. I still to this day am so proud of him and the way he truly provided for us. Josh graduated from USM in 2004 with a degree in Construction Engineering. We stayed in Hattiesburg after that while he was the Project Manager over the construction of the new Student Union Building on USM campus. I am so proud to say that my husband built that multi-million dollar building from the bottom up!!

We moved to Jackson for a year or so and then moved to Biloxi in 2007 for Josh's work. We have now made our home in Biloxi and love it very much. I have not finished school but I plan on being done within 2 1/2 years with my degree in Elementary Education. I am so very blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom and go to school part time. I have the most amazing husband that works so hard and loves what he does. I am blessed with amazing family, the best of friends, and mostly with a GOD that is amazing. We could not have gotten through this or done nearly what we have without the grace of God. He is amazing in so many ways and has looked out over us.

Peyton is now 8 1/2. He is in 2nd grade and as smart as a whip. He is the best thing that could of every happened to us.

People always ask would you have changed anything? Didn't you miss out on alot? My answer is NO.. I wouldn't have changed a thing...I didn't miss out on anything!! God knew exactly what he was doing.. I NEVER questioned him of why me? It never has crossed my mind. Peyton has been such a blessing. 7 months after he was born my maternal- grandmother passed away from Lou Gehrig's disease. Then 6 weeks after that my paternal - grandfather passed away from lymphoma. So I know God had a plan for Peyton to be with us expect since we would lose these 2 amazing backbones of our family. He was the sunshine in the black clouds. And continues to still be.

Sorry, this is such a long post but if I can help 1 person out and let people know that you can do anything no matter if you are pregnant at 16,20, or 30. Even if it is unplanned, God has a plan and will all work out how it is supposed to. I don't want people to think that I didn't have any negative people saying things like we would never make it or that my marriage would never work. A lot of teenage marriages don't work but we have MADE it work... Marriage isn't easy for anyone..whether you get married at 25, 35, or 17. It is constantly work but its work that is so worth working for... Josh and I are still very much in love and the love grows more and more each day... I couldn't imagine going through life with anyone else!!

Your parents may not have planned for you but God did. He was not surprised at all by your birth.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Ok..I have totally slacked since I started this blog!!! Partly because I have NO camera!! How can you have a blog with no pictures?? This all started back in May when we went to Hawaii, while at the beach I dropped my camera in the sand. Lens down in the sand = No more camera!! SO then Josh bought me another one for my Birthday...somehow I broke that lens too!! Josh then bought me another one for Christmas... I thought I loved it but after taking a couple of pictures with it, I didn't love it so we took it back!! Now I have no camera but he gave me money to buy a new one for V-Day!! So, the hunt for a new camera is on... Only thing is there are no cameras in stock anywhere!! Not Best Buy, Target, Walmart...NO WHERE!! I finally asked the guy at Best Buy why there was a shortage on cameras and informed me that all the new models are coming out this month and they have discontinued all the "old" models!! For those that don't know this happens every 6 months!! Anways..on to other news...

If you are unaware...The saints won the super bowl!! WooHoo!! :) I am super happy for them!! This was my first year to REALLY watch football and I'm so proud that I did!! They were amazing!! Hopefully next year they can be as good if not better!! The people here in Biloxi really do LOVE their Saints!! We were CRAZY and went to Dick's Sporting Goods right after their win!! We stood in line for about 15 minutes to get in..only to discover they had NO hats left, only a couple of shirts, and NO shirts for Peyton!! We left empty handed but that is okay because we got to experience the craziness!!

Also, if you didn't know.. It's Mardi Gras... We have lived in Biloxi for 3 years and only been to 2 parades!!! Yeah we didn't realize it was such a big deal till we moved down here!! It is so much fun and we have def loved celebrating this year!! Exp since Peyton gets out for 3 days the week of Fat Tuesday!! Yesterday we went to the D'Iberville Parade. It was alot of fun. Our friends have a piece of property on the parade route so we cooked out from about 11 till the parade started at 2. The kids had so much fun running around with their pop guns playing! Tomorrow, we will be at the BIG parade.. The BILOXI parade. It will be a GREAT and FUN day!! We will be at Josh's work (which is on the parade route) Good Food, friends and family!! I will be sure to post pictures from the great IPHONE camera!!!

I leave you with a couple of pictures from the D'Iberville Parade.